Wednesday 5 October 2011

brand new!

assalamualaikum and hi!

sometimes i feel like my life went backward, sometime i feel like my life has just started, sometimes i feel like im not going anywhere.

this year, new phone makes me excited ( just for a few months till i realized that i hate my new phone, LOL). new hairstyle makes me understand myself and most importantly love myself. new shirt makes me feel good about myself. i love it when i do look good. everyone does right? duhhhhhh. and most importantly, new band. im effin excited! still looking for bandmates, so hopefully this one will be a huge success! insyaAllah.

and what else is new? new gf?

annonymous : "come on, you never have a girlfriend, dumbass"

me : okayyy okayyy fineeeeeeee! (forever alone)

Friday 23 September 2011

tryin to love & accept myself just the way i am.

assalamualaikum & hi to ya'll.

"tryin to love & accept myself just the way i am." - sounds pathetic? maybe. but that the ugly truth about me. i used to hate myself because i got skin problem + curly hair + body weight problem + thick lips = low self esteem. as i grew older, i try to lose weight, and i nailed it. i flat iron my curly hair, just to gain my confidence level. i still remember back when i was in primary/secondary school, where people kinda hate me and dont want to be my friend because of my appearance. they just hang out with good looking people so now i kinda used to it. and thats why i dont have so many friends. and thats why i dont know how to make friend, because my mind is setting like "ohh people will never be your friend, because you're so ugly, you dumb ass"

i've been flat ironing my hair for almost 7 years now, and now i cut my hair short, like real short to prove myself that i can accept my hair like the way it is. and im happy that i can accept my hair the way it is. now i have issues with my skin and my body. still struggling to get ideal body shape, since i LOVE to eat so much! and my facial skin, i know you must be thinking "ohhh boy, like seriously right now? you're soooo annoying". but thats the reality.

so what i can say is, i will try my best to love & accept myself just the way i am. insyaallah.
see ya soon! :)

(sorry kalau grammar berterabur ya? teringin jugak nak speaking london hihi)

Wednesday 21 September 2011

maybe, maybe, maybe...

be her friend,
be her bestfriend,
fall in love with her,
never told her,
been waiting for the right moment to come,
1 guy comes,
they get to know each other,
now they like each other,
i have to pretend like there's nothing happened,
deep inside i feel hurt,
maybe she's not meant to be mine,
maybe i just have to learn how to let go,
maybe i was born to be a loner. forever?
maybe, maybe, maybe...

(sorry kalau grammar terabur ye?)

Thursday 15 September 2011

ke-hasil penggunaan-nya

assalamualaikum and hi to ya'll! hari tu aku ade citer pasal Apple Cider Vinegar kan? okay laaa, lepas seminggu lebih aku pakai, mmg nampak beza laaa, sistem penghadaman makin lawas (sikit), pastu jerawat jerawat yang baru nak naik tu, kecut, and jerawat yand dah sedia ada pon kecut gak, tp amik masa. sebab ape? jap lg aku citer. pastu parut parut jerawat semakin pudar, black heads kt hidung pon hilang. senang citer memang betul laa bende ni berkesan.

okay sebab ape sistem penghadaman aku lawas sikittt je? sbb aku kadang kadang minum ACV tu, kadang kadang tak? kadang2 skip 1 hari, kadang kadang 1 hari smpai 3 kali aku minum. yg pasal kt bahagian muka pon sama, kadang2 sekali sehari je aku guna toner tu, kadang kadang 2 kali sehari, kadang kadang tak pakai langsung. tp memang nampak laa kan hasilnye.

btw, pasal ACV ni, aku dapat inspirasi dari blog ni, nama blog ni A woman's World, go and check em out!

okay post aku ni mmg sounds mcm gay, tapi bende ni penting kan, kau nak ke muka kau pecah macam devider jalan? taknak kan? hahaahahaha!

okay lah, till the next entry! tata!

Tuesday 6 September 2011


Assalam & hello guys! sejak kebelakangan ni kalau jumpa mmbe mmbe mesti dorg tanye soalan mcm ni:

"kau pegi SS?(suicide silence)"
- tak ponnnnn

"kau pegi Krash Out?? (alesana, crossfaith, set your goals)
-tak ponnnnn

"kau pegi Rockaway 2011?? ( local acts + international acts such as sum 41, dashboard confessional)
-tak ponnnnn

"apesal tak pegi???"
-tak mampu

gitu lah citernye. nak dijadikan citer, tetiba band dashboard confessional tak jadi datang, so dorg telah digantikan dgn band ALL TIME LOW. "what??!??! ALL TIME LOW???!? kau biar betik???"

ALL TIME LOW kottt weyyy! aku nak pegi!!! aku nak tgk dorg live weyy!!!

"kau pegi ke tgk ALL TIME LOW??"
-tak mampu :(((

kesimpulannye kat sini, sape sape yg da beli ticket tp rasa taknak pegi and nak bg free kt aku, boleh contact aku, or sape2 yg terlebih duit tak tau nak buat ape, boleh laa belanja aku. sekian terima kasih! :D

kalau tak kenal,klik sini, usha page FB dorg okay? :D till the next entry yawww! babai!

Monday 5 September 2011

ke - tidak sedap - an

assalamualaikum & hi to ya'll! tadi aku g keluar ngn kawan aku pegi bukit bintang. meneman si anis nak shopping, tp kesian semua takde size ( kau kene makan+tido doe, bru boleh gemuk lah aku rasa hahaha). lepas jalan punye jalan punye jalan punye jalan, tiba laa masa nye nak balik. sebelum balik, aku mengajak cimok ngn anis g GUARDIAN sbb nak cari APPLE CIDER VINEGAR (ACV).

"ape tu????" - pegi tanye pakcik google.

"kau nak buat ape ngn bende tuuuu???" - pegi tanye pakcik google.

"bende tu sedap ke???" okay tu tak lawak.

pegi cari kt GUARDIAN, ade botol besar je, harga pon dalam rm20 lebih. disebabkan tak mampu, aku pon tak beli. tp aku jenis yg "alang alang menyeluk perkasam, biar sampai basah ketiak". aku pon terus pegi ke pasaraya GIANT yg betul betul kat depan GUARDIAN tu. cari punye cari, ade laa jumpa yg botol kecik, harga rm10. sbnrnye aku tak mampu jugak sbb tak berduit, tp disebabkan abg cimok kita baik hati, die pon belanja aku beli (actually bukan belanja, tp loan je zzzz). aku pon bukan main happy sebab tak sabar nak beli + guna.

mesti korg tertanya tanya ape function APPLE CIDER VINEGAR ni kan? okay laa aku bgtaw. ( yang dah tahu tu duduk diam diam, jgn nak menyampuk) bende ni ade byk khasiat, boleh guna utk kecut kan jerawat, detox,kurus kan badan, masalah sembelit, melambatkan proses penuaan.

"macam mana nak guna???" - pegi tanya pakcik google.

balik je rumah, aku pon try lah guna bende ni dengan cara minum ngn sapu kat muka.

"macam mana nak guna???" - please jgn buat aku bengang

first aku minum air putih yg dicampur ngn ACV ni. rasa macam cilaka jugak la. tp nak sihat punye pasal, minum gak. lepas tu, try buat toner guna ACV ni utk sapu kat muka. hasilnye tak tau lagi. nnt lepas seminggu, aku update okay? so tu je aku nak citer. kaki pon da penat berjalan haha! till the next entry! babai!

Saturday 3 September 2011

macam mana kalau...

hi ya'll, first of all, aku nak ucap takziah kepada keluarga jurukamera Bernama TV,Noramfaizul Mohd Nor, 41 yg terbunuh akibat terkene peluru sesat kt somalia tu. sedekahkan lah Al-Fatihah, semoga roh arwah dicucuri rahmat-Nya.

Masa tgk berita ni kat TV,mmg sedih tgk reaksi family arwah, And ramai jugak yg bersimpati kt keluarga arwah. Pastu bila tgk kawan kawan arwah describes and puji pasal arwah, tiba tiba terdetik kt hati aku, "macam mana pulak kalau aku mati 1 hari nanti? ape yang orang akan describe pasal aku? baik ke? buruk ke?" thats one of the reasons why aku tulis entry ni.

"macam mana kalau aku mati?
cukup ke amal nak dibawa nanti?"

"macam mana kalau aku mati?
ade ke orang yang nak maafkan salah silap aku nanti?"

"macam mana kalau aku mati?
ade ke orang nak ziarah aku nanti?"

"macam mana kalau aku mati?
ade ke orang berkata tentang aku nanti?"

"macam mana kalau aku mati?
ade ke orang nak doakan aku nanti?"

"macam mana kalau aku mati?
ade ke kebaikan yg aku penah buat kat dunia ni?"

tu lah antara bende yg terdetik kt kepala otak aku. okay, till the next entry! bye!