Friday 23 September 2011

tryin to love & accept myself just the way i am.

assalamualaikum & hi to ya'll.

"tryin to love & accept myself just the way i am." - sounds pathetic? maybe. but that the ugly truth about me. i used to hate myself because i got skin problem + curly hair + body weight problem + thick lips = low self esteem. as i grew older, i try to lose weight, and i nailed it. i flat iron my curly hair, just to gain my confidence level. i still remember back when i was in primary/secondary school, where people kinda hate me and dont want to be my friend because of my appearance. they just hang out with good looking people so now i kinda used to it. and thats why i dont have so many friends. and thats why i dont know how to make friend, because my mind is setting like "ohh people will never be your friend, because you're so ugly, you dumb ass"

i've been flat ironing my hair for almost 7 years now, and now i cut my hair short, like real short to prove myself that i can accept my hair like the way it is. and im happy that i can accept my hair the way it is. now i have issues with my skin and my body. still struggling to get ideal body shape, since i LOVE to eat so much! and my facial skin, i know you must be thinking "ohhh boy, like seriously right now? you're soooo annoying". but thats the reality.

so what i can say is, i will try my best to love & accept myself just the way i am. insyaallah.
see ya soon! :)

(sorry kalau grammar berterabur ya? teringin jugak nak speaking london hihi)

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